Sunday, May 30, 2010

Robbie to post this week...

Okay. Dena says it's my turn to post. So here it is.

Today begins the 24th week This week Charlotte is the size of a Papaya. Here's a picture. She weighs 1.2 pounds and is growing rapidly! The other day she kicked/punched/head-butted so hard that I was able to see Dena's stomach move - from several feet away. I like being able to see and feel her moving.

We are continuing to prepare for this baby. Today I had to put together a dresser that we bought a few weeks ago so that we would have somewhere to put all of the clothes that we already have for a baby that is not going to be here until late September. She already has at least 30 distinct outfits. This is crazy to me, since I'm accustomed to wearing the same 3-4 things over and over. But whatever, I guess I don't make such a mess.

Aside from the clothes, we got a new crib-bedding-set package this week at Babies-R-Us. "New" because we already had one, but it was purchased before we knew what we were having, and it turned out not to be girly enough. Dena is keeping us on pace to acquire all of the available diapers in North America by the end of July. We now have well over 1000 diapers of all sizes, makes and models. With the diapers, clothes, furniture, swings, baby-carriers, diaper bags, and so on and so on, our house is filling up nicely with baby stuff. I feel like we're getting there and we should be ready.

Dena seems to be doing well. She is tired, and usually "rests her eyes" beginning at around 7:00 p.m. She is in full cravings mode currently and seems to swing between urgent-need-for-brownies and urgent-need-for-pickles. Today at the grocery, we were looking at hummus and I think Dena started drooling. I saw her eating some earlier.

Not much else new this week. We go back to the OB next week for our next appointment - wherein we confess that we have not yet found a pediatrician (which we were commanded to do at the last appointment).

Dena says to say "We will post some pictures regarding the belly." I'm not so sure, since we are horrible at (1) locating the camera at the right time, and (2) actually taking the pictures, and even worse at (3) actually posting them. But we will see what happens.


  1. Robbie exaggerates by the way. We do not have 30 outfits or 1000 diapers. He's crazy!

  2. Hahaha! I was beginning to worry because I don't have anything ready yet! We do have a crib (that is still boxed up in the basement. And, we have some clothes that my cousin gave me from her kids (some for both a girl and boy). We still have so much remodeling to do that I haven't really been able to organize the other things we need-- though, I have started a list (and the book you suggested, Baby Bargains is a LIFE SAVER!).

    Good luck with everything!!

  3. Hey guys! Love reading the posts, reminds me of what I put Lynn through last year! About your pediatrician issue, I use Catalina pediatrics for Mia and I LOVE them. And they go to TMC. She sees Dr Moussa, but I hear that they are all phenomenal Dr's. I have also heard good things about Dr Couchman. Good luck! xoxo

  4. Megan - I told you that book was great! It really helped weed through all the crap. What I found pretty interesting was that the most expensive stuff isn't always the best. Also, it points out a lot of potential safety issues or problems that I would never have thought of!

    Angie - I have heard good things about catalina pediatrics. I am also going to check out Tanque Verde pediatrics. I know I want a doctor that goes to TMC rather than a hospitalist - not that there is anything wrong with our fabulous hospitalists :).
