So, we are 22 weeks today and things are going pretty well. I think I am beginning to feel pregnant at this point. A little uncomfortable at times and my cardiovascular fitness leaves a lot to be desired. Boggie on the other hand, is thriving cardiovascularly - or so I think. She is kicking up a storm, rolling around, and doing great. The other day she was kicking so hard I could see my belly move!! It was pretty amazing. At first her kicks were pretty surprising and felt weird but now I love them. I love to feel her swimming around because I know she is alright! Way better than the first 16 weeks or so when we felt nothing and just had to have faith.
This week we did get a bit of a scare but everything is fine. I have been having some cramping and tightening at the end of the work day lately and on Thursday we had a bit of spotting (TMI I know). Spotting, supposedly, is pretty normal during pregnancy, however it was new for me so I called the doctor. She told me to rest on Friday and see her that day. We saw her and she said everything was fine. She had me get another US just to double check the location of the placenta and make sure Charlie is doing okay and she is fine. Her HB was strong, the placenta was fine, and my cervix is closed and looks completely normal. The spotting may have been a freak thing. The tightening she says is possibly due to the fact that I am on my feet the majority of about 50 hours/week at work and I need to invest in a maternity support belt...I think my mom told me this when I was 8 weeks prego! :)So, I have purchased a belt. Not too stoked about it because I am already 4 million degrees on a daily basis and one more layer does not sound too enticing but I keep telling myself, "It is no longer about you and your comfort. We have to think about what's best for Boggie." I am willing to compromise - I am only wearing it at work! Who knows I may love it and wear it all the time.
So, I skipped last week because I figured all I was going to talk about was the US and how she is a sweet little baby girl! We are still so excited. It feels so natural to refer to her as a "she". In our US on Friday they did reconfirm that she is indeed a girl. One thing I know about this little girl is she loves her daddy. According to some research they can begin to hear voices and noises now so we are trying to talk to her and get her used to the sound of our voices as much as we can. Robbie even read her a book one night! It was so sweet. I know he felt weird but I loved it. He was reading and I was crocheting a baby blanket - so "family-like". One thing she LOVES is when he plays her lullabies on the guitar. She really gets to moving when she hears those strings. I am hoping this means she has the musical talents of her father. Of course, she should have my great taste in music (AKA celine dion)!
One thing that happened at the last OB appointment was that she said we needed to begin the process of selecting a pediatrician. For some reason I feel like this is a big deal! Being in the health care field I have seen good doctors and bad doctors and I do not want to pick a bad one. Fortunately, I work with some great pediatric case managers that have pointed us in a couple of directions so we are hoping to interview them in the next couple weeks. I feel like we were given an assignment and need to produce results by the next OB appointment. I can't imagine Dr. Dean feels that way but task-master Dena does and we will have one by June 8th!! They may think we are crazy but I accepted that I was crazy a long time ago. Now with a baby on the way things are really crazy.
We haven't really made much headway on the baby room. There is some minor work that needs to be done from an old roof leak before we can really get started. Our landlord has assured us it will be done before September. It better. That stresses me out a bit. Robbie is taking care of that project and I am sure he will deliver - the bigger I get the more intimidating I can be. I have no idea how to put a baby room together. I am going to rely on my friend Kate to help us. What she doesn't already know is she is going to have to help me make my, supposedly neutral but oddly with a lot of blue, bedding more feminine. I having no idea how this will work. I really don't like the idea of a room that looks like pepto bismal so a little more masculine is fine with me!
Well, things are moving right along. We received some super cute rocker baby onesies and a boppy cover from robbie's cousins (we will post pics once robbie tells me where the camera is)! Some of these clothes are so tiny! I guess she will be pretty tiny - she is only almost 1lb in weight and about 11 inches right now. Can you imagine how much growing she will be doing this last half of the pregnancy?? Can you imagine how much growing I will do this last half of the pregnancy - let's not think about that and go get a snack instead!
We will post belly pics too! Once again, once I find the camera. Check on Monday and all the pics should be there!!
Also, I added links for our Registry locations (Babies R Us and Target). Some people have been asking and I thought this might help!
Also, I changed the look of the blog...again. That pink was too much!!